Saturday 11 May 2013

Attires - Gloves

Warna dan ukuran bisa disesuaikan dengan keinginan kamu
Harga yang tercantum belum termasuk ongkos kirim
Colours and sizes are subject to your liking
Shipping cost is not included

Ya, sarung tangan! Kenapa nggak? Tinggal di daerah beriklim tropis, bukan berarti nggak bisa bergaya pake sarung tangan :D Karena selalu ada musim hujan, ruang ber-AC yang suhunya kelewat dingin, atau saat dimana kamu bangun dan berpikir, "Ah, kayanya asik pake sarung tangan" :D :D

Yes, gloves! Why not? Living in tropical area doesn't mean you can't go out with a pair of gloves :D Because  there will always be rainy season, air conditioned room which temperature is not adjustable or moments when you wake up and think, "I want to wear some gloves today" :D :D

Simple Fingerless Gloves

Benang/Yarn: Katun atau Wol / Cotton or Wool
Harga/Price: Rp 40.000 untuk katun/for cotton, Rp 50.000 untuk wol/for wool

Sarung tangan tanpa jari yang paling simpel dan cepat dibuat hehehe. Jenis benang sebenarnya bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan juga. Saya banyak memakai benang katun karena mudah didapat, cukup ringan dan cukup nyaman dipakai. Di foto ini, saya memakai sisa benang wol yang sangat enteng, empuk dan harganya lumayan mahal :D Tapi jauh lebih hangat dan nyaman dipakai dibanding benang katun. Tapi lagi, ini preferensi pribadi sih hehehe

Super simple and super fast fingerless gloves :D The type of the yarn is changeable according to your wish. I use cotton most of the time because it's easy to find, normal weighted and cozy enough when wear. In this picture, I used left-over of a wool yarn which very light, fluffy and quite pricey :D but it's far warmer and more cozy to wear than the average cotton yarn. But then again, it's up to your preferences :p

Shell Fingerless Gloves

Benang/Yarn: Katun/Cotton
Harga/Price: Rp 55.000

Ini dibuat dengan pola kerang kipas (atau begitulah istilahnya di dunia crochet). Keren ya? :D

This is made with scallop-shell pattern (that's what it's called in crochet). Cool, huh? :D

Yang harus disebutkan pada formulir pemesanan (selain warna - dan jenis benang, kalau mau) adalah lingkar telapak tangan. Kedengaran sedikit aneh, tapi begitulah. Kalau bingung, silakan lihat foto di bawah ini:
What to specify when you fill the order form (aside from colour - and type of yarn, if you wish) is the circumference of your palm. A bit weird, I know but that's what I need. If you're not sure, please refer to the picture below:

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